Serving HTML Pages Locally from VS Code#

Combine VS Code with the LiveServer plugin to launch a local development server with live reloading for web development.

Statement of need#

Web development can be a time-consuming and tedious process, especially when it comes to testing and previewing changes. VSCode LiveServer comes in handy providing a seamless way to run a local server and preview updates in real-time within the VSCode editor, saving valuable time and reducing the potential for errors. Setting up is very easy.

Get VS Code#

Visual Studio Code has its own instructions to download and install it (see here). Chocolatey provides a convenient to install VIsual Studio Code by just typing

choco install vscode

Install LiveServer#

Open VS Code, open the prompt by typing Ctrl + P. Then enter the following to install LiveServer

ext install ritwickdey.liveserver

Init the Live Server#

Now a live server can be initiated from an HTML file in VS Code by pressing Alt + L then Alt + O. A “live” server will now be opened in the default browser. Everytime a new change is saved, this will be reflected in the live server.

Live updating
